Sunday, April 26, 2009

WallSwitch 1.0 Released!

I'm happy to announce that WallSwitch 1.0 has been released!

WallSwitch is a program designed to randomly switch the wallpaper on your phone at a given interval. It handles all the image processing, like cropping, automatically so that you never have to manually set your wallpaper again!

It is also designed to intelligently determine if an image should be cropped or letterboxed so that you always have the optimal wallpaper size for you.

You can download it to your G1 (or any future Android devices) through the Android Marketplace. Search for 'WallSwitch'.


  1. Fantastic app! I was just looking for something like this recently and up pops your newly released app.

  2. One item I would like to see is a sequential order setting. I am working on creating wallpapers with calendars on them and I would like to have a set with each day marked off. Combining that with your program would allow Android to update the wallpaper once a day and would show the correct date on the wallpaper. Thanks!
